Entry Plan
I believe it is very important to have an entry plan to any leadership position. I always though of an entry plan of something only for building principals. I realize now that regardless of the position you are moving in to, an entry is essential. As I took a small step up into the role of project team leader, it was important for me to have entry plan for this new position. I had to begin to view myself as some one who would now be responsible for communicating information to co-workers, leading professional development, facilitating meetings, and being in close contact with our CTE supervisor. Although my plan was not a written one, it was a plan that I purposely thought about and developed in my head. My general plan was that I would always remain professional with staff, summarize others thoughts and ask clarifying questions, and provide timely communication.
I am aware that as I progress towards positions with more administrative responsibilities my entry plans will become more elaborate. A feel that one critical piece of an entry plan for a building administrator is the development of a principals guide. A principals guide is a vision of how I would conduct essential activities as a building principal. This principals guide was a group effort created during my Educational Leadership experience at Oakland University.
Relation to Standards
My experience with parent teacher conferences, open house, 8th grade orientation, and the business expo relate to the following standards:
Standard 1
Standard 3
Sub Pages :
- Home - Bio
- Vision
- Internship
- Entry Plan
- Instructional
- Community and Family
- External Context
- Technology